
It's amazing how strangely relevant this graphic novel is today, despite being set in the Cold War era. The themes still surround us, the paranoia of war time, the Us vs. Them rhetoric, the need for everyday heroes, the question of suffering losses for "the greater good".

Another striking element of the book is how well conceived it all is. So meticulously planned and plotted, written with symmetry, drawn with consistent style. The layout and planning of the 12 parts, and how each seems to focus on a key character, while balancing out multiple storylines, is just brilliant storytelling.

i'm curious to see how this film turns out. It unfolds so interestingly, and uses flashbacks and cutaways and foreshadowing that there shouldn't be any need to change the structure of the graphic novel. That being said, it's been in development forever, i wonder if they'll try to make it more appealing to comic book movie fans, as it really isn't about crime fighting and fisticuffs. Very dramatic, with characters much older than a typical comic book. A lot of dialogue too. Can't wait to see it.

4 1/2 stars out of 5

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